Hydraulic double cylinder fusing kettle is the major equipment for fusing marking.Integrated multiplex hydraulic driving and stepless speed changing are adopted in the equipment which guarantee big pitch of strand,loaded operation and excellent function.It features forward and reverse stir.Imported energy saving burner of four ring fire is also adopted to make sure the burning efficiently happened.The equipment boosts efficient fusing,long lasting work hours,easy operation,less time consumed and easy maintenance
技术参数<Technical parameter>
1.引擎<Engine>:16.5PS电启动蒸发水冷柴油发动机<16.5PS electric started boiling diesel of water-cooling
2.液压传动系统<Hydraulic driving system>:多路集成液压控制阀,正反向搅拌,无级变速<Integrated multiplex hydraulic control valve,forward and reverse stir and stepless speed changing
3.液压马达<Hydraulic motor>:BM型<Model BM>
4.液压油箱容积<Cubage of hydraulic gasoline box>:70L
5.釜缸容量<Capacity of kettle cylinder>:360kg*2
6.结构<Structure>:框架结构、釜体内胆与外壁间装有保温材料<Frame structure,insulation is fixed between intermal bladder and ektexine
7.加热系统<Heating system>:石油液化气(建议用50kg罐),采用进口四环高效节能燃烧器<Petroleum dry gas [50kg per jar commended] and imported highly efficient four ring burner
8.安全装置<Safely facility>:专门设计的超负荷逆流装置,可防止误操作<Flooding facility of overload is designed for it to prevent maloperation
9.尺寸与重量<Dimension and weight>:1800*1500*1600mm
10.净重<Net weight>:700kg